Donnerstag, 12. Februar 2015

Blog Mention by Darnell J. Knauss


Darnell J. Knauss mentioned my blog on her page djkardkreations.
Thank you very much for your nice words there!

Wiebke Kommerell of Come-Designed (translation uncertain). Wiebke started blogging in 2013. She is a mother of three active children and the entire family enjoys games of any kind. Wiebke loves taking classes and entering her adorable CAS cards in challenges. At present, you can only comment on Wiebke's blog if you are a Google+ member, but I'm hoping Wiebke can change that. Even if you can't comment, you will still enjoy a visit to see her fun and inspiring cards!

Dear Darnell, thank you so much for mention my blog here on your page! Your translation made me smile - the correct name is KomMa-designed and it's a "self-crafted" name. The story started long time ago, when my hubby and I (not merried yet) talked a lot about a corporate project and needed a name for it. So I mixed up our last names Kommerell and Mast to KomMa. This project was never realized, but the name was in my mind... up to the day when I started my blog. And now (we are merried and my new name is Kommerell) it's a symbol for me to tie my past and my actual life together (I loved crafting in my childhood as well as today). I'm still trying to find a solution for the comment-problem and I'm very thankfull for any tips and help. Thanks.